To transfer the programming information from the CSV-file into theĬodeplug. Will be used by the CPSProgrammer to program the channel information into the CPS.ĬPSProgrammer directly accesses the CPS windows controls A CSV file, to be generated from the Excel table, then
All DV channels canīe downloaded from the DMR database and than can easily be managedĪnd extended by analogue channels, using Excel. Timeslot & colour code, scanlist, RXGroup, TXContact, etc.) is a huge,īoring and annoying pile of work, which can sum up to daysĬPSProgrammer will make that work much more simple. Programming this huge numbers of channels (callsigns, frequencies, The codeplug that is open in vendor's CPS software Vendor's CPS software must be running for CPSProgrammer to update Interact with the existing vendor-provided CPS software.
Principle of the CPSProgrammer: CPSProgrammer is designed to